Entries by Lawrence

5 ways to improve public speaking skills

Do you feel anxious when you have to present in front of an audience? Don’t worry, these five tips will help you improve your public speaking skills. Improving public speaking skills takes time and practice, but with consistent effort and the right techniques, you can become a confident and effective public speaker.

3 Ways to Keep Your Audience Focused During a Presentation

Attention is our most precious commodity. In today’s fast-paced world of always-on digital devices and round-the-clock media cycles, getting our audience’s attention is critical to our communication success. With so many distractions vying for our time, we must actively seek and gain our audience’s attention first. Unfortunately, capturing ears and eyes isn’t enough. Getting attention […]

Warren Buffett’s Success Principles

Delving into the insights and teachings of Warren Buffett, one of the world’s most successful investors and CEOs, offers an invaluable guide to personal and professional growth. Through a deep understanding of his core values and principles, we’re privy to a blueprint that outlines the path to financial success and, more importantly, to become individuals […]

Arthur C. Brooks of Harvard Business School: ‘Money does not increase happiness, it only reduces unhappiness; beyond $100,000, it doesn’t matter how much you have’

The leadership professor believes that well-being is not a destination, but rather a project based on four pillars: faith, family, friends and work Arthur C. Brooks, 59, is not a happy man. He says that’s why he made happiness his field of study: at 31, this social scientist left his career as a horn soloist […]

The power of affirmations: Building a positive mindset for success

Whether it’s running a marathon, climbing Mount Everest, or achieving good grades in examinations, self-belief stands as the key factor in attaining these goals. Dreams and aspirations are intrinsic to the human experience. As the economy and society progresses, the defination of success undergoes constant changes. Whether it’s running a marathon, climbing Mount Everest or […]

Nobel laureate Paul Krugman compares Tesla to bitcoin — and says he wouldn’t trust Elon Musk to feed his cat

Paul Krugman has compared Tesla stock to bitcoin, saying hype and faith underpin both assets’ valuations, and joked he wouldn’t trust Elon Musk to take care of his cat. Tesla stock skyrocketed more than 13-fold between the start of 2020 and its November 2021 peak. It has plunged 73% since then, slashing the electric-vehicle (EV) company’s market capitalization from over […]

Strategy 101: An Introduction to Power

Several years ago, I began to have a number of questions about my work. I wondered about how to use my time, energy, skills, and goals. I wondered how to coordinate effectively with other people and organizations. I had questions like: How can I, or someone else, use work as an opportunity to grow individually? […]

More risk doesn’t always mean greater reward. Just look at these imploded tech stocks

Academic critics have long argued that U.S. companies need to make more “creative-destruction” investments that boost productivity by replacing existing processes with very different and more efficient ones. Instead, U.S. companies too often think small, looking for ways to cut costs and settling for safe investments that increase productivity modestly. A 2020 Harvard Business Review article titled, […]